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admin 写作方法 2016-03-22 08:18:00



  一、 举例论证法

  要更为直观地反映问题,举例无疑是最好的选择,也是最具有说服力的。常见的引出实例的方式:如for example, for instance, as is reported, It is reported that…, 可作为插入语的结构使用在句中。实例也可以分为几种情况,如下:

  1. 应用名人实例,这是大家都知道的事情,容易引起共鸣。如在教育类话题中有一个考点涉及到中学生要不要学历史,在论证古人的经验和智慧给我们很多借鉴意义时,就可以引用一些名人的例子。

  Charles Darwin, for example, taught us that only the fittest can survive, which is more than ever true in today’s competitive society.

  2. 应用某些调查研究结果,常结合具体数据,更能增强真实性说服力。社会类话题老人问题上,要求分析人口老龄化所带来的影响,其中谈到积极意义时,会提到老人对家庭及社会的贡献。我们可以在两个地方找到列数据的点,一是老人的年龄,二是在有意义的事情上所花的时间,可以得出论证过程如下:

  As is reported, the average time that the retired within the age group above 65 spend on the family and the community is at its length of about 5 hours per day.

  3. 应用生活中具有普遍性的现象或有代表性的亲身经历。在文化这类较为抽象的话题中,有典型地要求分析文化差异会带来的不同国家人之间的冲突,可以引用这样的现象:

  A western woman travelling to the Middle East may find it annoying to have to wear headscarf during a journey.


       二、 解释说明(拓展影响)法


  By travelling abroad, we have the opportunity to experience different customs, cultures and lifestyles, helping us better understand the whole world.


       三、 因果推理法

  这种方法是基于一个事实的陈述,推出它可能会产生的结果,然后一环扣着一环往下推,直至目标内容出现,也就是论点的内容呈现了。常结合因果关系的状语从句结构展开论证,要注意推理逻辑连接词的应用,如as, since, because, therefore, hence, thus, as a consequence, consequently, ……

  论证高中生毕业后先去工作再上大学的这种作为会带来的不利影响之一——这种方式容易使高中生误入歧途,论证过程如下:Since high school students are mentally immature, they are less likely to resist the temptation in the real world. As a result, they are more prone to some social evils, such as theft, drug abuse, and so on. So, they may easily go astray and even commit crime.

       四、 对照对比论证法

  拿相同或相反的事物做比较,相同关系叫对照(comparison),相反关系叫对比(contrast)。此类论证考生需要重点掌握一些对比对照关系的连词:in contrast, by contrast, on the contrary, while, whereas, likewise, similarly, by the same token。

  先看个例子,如:论证广告给消费者提供及时信息,帮助他们做决定中论述到:By contrast, without advertising, a consumer is at the risk of purchasing a product that fails to meet all of his or her needs, because of lack of knowledge of better alternatives in the market.这就是从反面着手,阐述如果没有广告,消费者会受到的影响,用反方的劣势达到衬托正方优势的效果。若想使论点具有说服力,可以尝试寻找对应的参照物相比较,在所选参照物明显的'不足面前,本来事物的优点会立刻容易被人信服。

  再来分析下对照的例子:They cite that in the sports world, records are always created when a sportsman is facing tough competitions. They believe that, by the same token, in a classroom where clever minds meet, students can achieve their best due to peer pressure. 拿体育比赛中的情况作对照,突出分班教学的必要性。

  五、 让步论证法

  欲擒故纵的高超写法,对考生来说比较陌生,先退一步承认与自己观点相反的事实,再转折给出自己的观点,否定前者。让步这种方法的优点是能较为全面地看待一个问题,而且反驳更能有的放矢。比如举一个大家特别熟悉的例子,一个男生向女生表白时被拒绝,女生会很委婉地表示,先肯定男生有很多优点,但最终会表示自己并不喜欢他,他不是她喜欢的类型。这种方式一方面不会伤害到男孩的自尊,同时也鲜明地表达了自己的想法。在这种论证中,常见句型如下:although / though / in spite of the fact that…; as is granted / admittedly…; opponents would argue that…


  1. As is granted, saving money offers people a sense of security in case of emergency. However, people tend to believe that wise investment can get more profits.

  2. Opponents would argue that some of the violence shown on TV is the true portrayal of what is happening around us and people have the right to know it. Although this is undoubtedly true, it also means that people who see them a lot may gradually develop a sense of insecurity and mistrust as they are forced to believe they are living in a dangerous world.




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