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admin 事件作文 2021-11-19 08:18:00 暑假作文


  This summer, dad took us back to our hometown. Few days, we put the DouLiang park, the eight immortals table, the sight of the huaihe river to play, but the most interesting to count when we go back to nanjing next to my grandfather fishing when touch mussels.

  When I got to the river, my aunt and I got off the bus and ran again. At that moment, my father took his clothes off and shouted, "watch." Then he walked slowly down the river and began to swim. I was amazed at my father's skill in swimming. Dad's happy hand reached down and touched it. Ah, a big clam landed in his father's hand. Baba threw the clam on the shore, and my father told my aunt and uncle to go to my grandfather's house to carry a "water" bucket. In a short time, we will carry a steel drum wobbly came to the river, I suddenly saw the ground has a lot of mussels, I then strange asked: "all these mussels is father was touched?" Mom smiled and said, "your father is very strong, so all this is your father's touch." When I heard it, I handed him the iron bucket and praised, "dad, you're so talented." Dad laughed and laughed. Suddenly, the father's face turned a 180 degree turn and cried, "you foolish little fish, you dare to peck at me and see that I won't catch you." So dad pulled out all the stops, grabbed two small fish and threw them out. "Wow, dad, you're so good, you caught two of them. That's awesome." Mother said: "this wild needle fish is worth 20 yuan. If your father is catching a little more, my family is not making a lot of money." Then my father threw two more fish, and I ran over to see it, and there was another one, and there was another fish that we could not name. My curiosity came up and asked, "daddy, how many mussels have you touched?" "A barrel full." "Dad replied. "Come on, three more fish." Dad yelled. The mother clutched the fish that were jumping on the ground. Dad put the bucket on the bank and came up. My father quickly dressed his clothes and said to me, "cong, you will send the clams to your grandpa's house in a few moments." Mom and dad packed the clams on the ground and then drove us up the hill. Then I carried two bags of mussels, and my aunt and sister brought a bag of fish to my grandfather's house. We gave them to grandma and grandpa. Then I got up again and sat down in my seat and looked at the clam. Suddenly, I found a lot of worms on it, so I asked my mother, "what is that on it?" "Oh, what a leeches do you have." I thought to myself: there must be a red-boiled mussel for dinner tonight, but there's a leech on the clam and it's disgusting. I'll never eat it.



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