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admin 事件作文 2016-02-15 08:18:00 考试作文

  The purpose of education is to transmit democratic values, create equality of opportunity, and prepare new generation of citizens in society.

  Everyone should be taught life skills as analysis, logical thinking, synthesis, and creative problem solving rather than just knowledge which are more important for people to survive freely in the complex and rapid change.

  We should want all students to know and to make their own: honesty, fairness, fidelity to task, friends, and family, personal responsibility, love their country, and belief in the principles of liberty, equality and the freedom to practice one s faith.

  To study history and classics is to teach students the ability to synthesize and relate, to weigh cause and effect, to see events in perspective

  Liberal art teaches you how to think, write, and speak intelligently, get along with others, and conceptualize problems.

  Students are being so stuffed indigestible mass of material that they have no time to draw on his own resources, to use their own minds for analyzing and synthesizing and evaluating this material



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