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篇一:《外研版初一英语下册module7 my past life知识点》

Module 7 My past life

Unit 1 I was born in a small village.


(1)n.过去 I can’t forget the past.

(2)adj. 过去的 He want to make up his past mistakes.

What was your past life like?

(3)prep 超过 It’s already past seven o’clock.

She walked past me without speaking.




The old man went past the bus stop.

【练习】——Did James speak to you this morning?

——No,he ______me,but he didn’t notice me.

A.passed B.saw C.greeted D.knocked

2.be born

当表示“某人出生”的意思时,应用被动语态,be动词只能用was或were。若表示在某年、某月出生,用“be born in+年/月”

Where were you born? She was born in a poor family.

【相关链接】 born adj.生来的,天生的 He is a born poet.

【练习】——Where were you born? ——I was born_____a cold winter morning in 1996.

A.at B.on C.of D.in

3.strict 严格的,严谨的

a strict teacher严师

(1)be strict in sth. They are very strict in their work.

(2)Be strict with sb. Mr Wang is strict with all his students.


Mrs Brown is always _________________(对„„要求严格)her child in the study.

4.friendly adj.友好的

名词friend China and Russia have along friendly relationship.

Chinese people are very friendly to the foreigners.




Henry gets on well with everyone in our class,He’s always ______to all of us.(friend)

5.What were they like?


回答: “主语+be+形容词”

——What’s she like? ——She is beautiful.

——What’s the boy like? ——He’s very naughty.

【相关链接】句型“What do (does)sb look like?”用于询问某人的长相、外貌特征。

——What does Jane look like? —— She is very tall.

【练习】——What’s your little brother like? ——________.He enjoys telling jokes.

A.He is tall and thin B.He is shy and quite

C.He is outgoing and heavy. D.He is strong and heavy.

6.He was quite difficult.

(1)quite adv. “十分,相当”+V./adj./adv.

She quite likes him,but not enough to marry him.

(2)difficult “很难相处的,难对付的”

He is a difficult boy. Don’t be so difficult .Smiling always helps.


1.My little brother is very_______________(守规矩的)at school.

2.——Where is Liu Bing from? ——He is from a small _________.(村庄)

3.Miss Zhang is very ___________-(亲切的)and her students all love her.

4.Tom is ______________(难对付的) in class.

5.——Are there 40,000 people in your__________(城镇)? ——Yes, there are. 句型转换

6.My brother was in the park just now.(对划线部分提问)___________________________

7.I was born in Beijing.(对划线部分提问) ________________________________

8.Tony ws born in China.(改为否定句) ______________________________

9.Was he quite difficult?(作否定回答) ________________________

10.She was born in the city of Nanjing.(改为一般疑问句)_______________________________ 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。

11.你爸爸的新车是什么样子的? _______is your father’s new car_________-?

12.赵新颖出生于上海。 Zhao Xinying _______ ________in Shanghai.

13.我的表妹在雨虹小学学习。 My cousin studies in Yuhong________ ______.


Do you still remember ________- ________ _______your first English teacher?

Unit 2 I was born Quincy.


ago的时间参照点是现在,一般与表示时间的名词或副词搭配使用,且要放在所修饰的词的后面。 I left school three years ago. He came here two years ago.

【辨析】 ago与before


before adv.,连词,介词,可单独使用,也可用在表示时间的状语前面,常与完成时态连用 This basketball match started before 3:00.

【练习】The child______ lunch a moment ago.

A.has B.had C.is having D.have

2.bored adj. “厌烦的,厌倦的”

Too much homework makes me bored.

【辨析】 bored与boring

bored “感到厌烦的,感到无聊的” boring“令人厌烦的,令人无聊的”

The boring book make s us bored.

【拓展】 be bored with 对„„感到厌烦 We are bored with too much homework.

【练习】——How do you like your new job? ——It’s too______.I don’t like it at all.

A.boring B.interesting C.exciting D.relaxing

3.comfortable adj.舒服的

Most people like going out to see sceneries in Spring because they want to have a comfortable trip.

——Which scarf do you prefer? ——The red one.It feels more comfortable.

The most comfortable thing for him is to have a drink when he gets home.

【拓展】 uncomfortable

She feels uncomfortable when she speaks in public

【练习】I don’t know what to say.I’ll be______before so many people.

A.happy B.difficult C.uncomfortable D.safe.

4.It was great to play there.

It+be+adj.+to do sth. “做某事是„„的”

It is very easy to learn a foreign language.

It is difficult to find out the place. It was hard to remember all the words.

【练习】It is polite ______-a gift when you visit somebody for the first time.

A.take B.to take C.takes D.taking

5.This was our last home in the US,„„


He went to the cinema last Sunday.

【相关链接】(1)last 作动词 “持续”Our holiday lasted 20 years.

(2)last 作名词 “最后,末尾” She was the last to leave.

【练习】He is the last ____-this morning.

A.to arrive B.arrive C.arriving D.arrives

6.One day I’ll go back.

(1)one day “有一天” ,常与将来时连用,也可与一般过去时连用。

One day your dream will come true.

(2)go back回去 Please go back to your seat.

【练习】When he ________hone,he saw his mother cleaning the room.

A.got up B.got back C.got off D.got on

7.look forward to

“期盼,盼望”to+v—ing The boy looks forward to buying a new computer.

Many people look forward to the Mid—autumn Day.

All of us are looking forward to having a birthday party.

【练习】_____an Englishman.John is looking forward ______the 2012 Olympic Games.

A.Of,in B.With ,for C.For,at D.As,to


This is a telephone with a tape recorder. I want the book with a green cover.

(1)表示所有,“具有,拥有”China is a large country with a long history.


You can telephone somebody on the other side of the world with he help of satellite.


He will work with all his might.


You’re very patient with me. The tide is with us.


The young woman is lying on the beach with a bikini on.

(6)表示附加,“携带” Did you have to take foos with you.

【练习】Linda has bought a large house______a swimming pool.

A.with B.in C.on D.from

——What does your English teacher look like?——She’s tall and thin______long hair.

A.have B.has C.there is D.with


1.Mr Xiao is a worker ten years a______.(以前)

2.——Who is the p___________(总统)of the US now? ——Obama.

3.There is a bog b_________(浴室)in my house.

4.——Where is your mother now? ——She is in the g________.(花园)

5.My brother is very b_________( 厌倦的)with English at school.


6.A:What does your sister do? B:She works in a clothes________.

7.A:Do you know Qingdao? B:Of course.My hometown is in the _____of it.

8.A:Is your ________big? B:No,it’s small.

9.A:What do you think of the T—shirt? B:It’s very _____-and I like it very much,

10.A:Where was your father_____night,Jim?

B:He was in the office.He was too busy.


1.这是一个带电脑的房间。 This is a room_______ ________ ______.

2.我三天后回来。 I will _____- _______in three days.

3.他们期待着能够再来中国游览。They are _______ ______ _______ ______Chian again.

4.三年前他去了美国。 He went to the USA________ _______ _______.

5.在东海岸有许多漂亮的房子。There are many beautiful houses______ _____ _______ ______. 单项选择

6.It’s a long,______story and we’re _______with it.

A.bored,bored B.boring,bored C.boring,boring D.bored,boring

7.Betty was looking forward________–to Chian.

A.to come B.to coming C.for coming D.for come

8.He doesn’t like the mooncakes ______eggs _________them.

A.have,in B.have,with C.with,in D.with,for

9.What’s the matter______him?

A.in B.on C.at D.with

10.Were you at work______?

A.a moment ago B.yesterday before C.next week D.tomorrow

Unit 3 Language in use



I called you an hour ago.

an hour ago “一小时之前”,是过去时间,called you “给你打过电话”,是发生过的动作。 Li Lei is here today,but he was at home yesterday.

They were quite free the day before yesterday,but we were very busy.

I wasn’t at school yesterday.I’m still not feeling well now.

——Was your brother a worker before? ——Yes, he was./No,he wasn’t.

there be句型表示某地存在某人或某物,但强调过去的行为时,常用一般过去时,即be改为was或were。

There was a shop here last year.

There were lots of trees on front of our classroom before.

含there be句型的一般过去时的句子变疑问句和否定句时常借助was/were

There was a bog garden.



【注意】 回答there be句型的一般疑问句时,主语常用there,但要注意回答前后要一致。 Were there a lot of students?{the,past,life,of,my,grandfather}.

——Yes,there were. No,there weren’t.

【练习】What _______the matter with your little dog yesterday evening?

A.is B.was C.are D.were

——Where were you last Saturday? ——I _____in the Capital Museum.

A.am B.will be C.was D.have been

——How is your hometown,Lin hua?

——Now it’s cleaner ans busier,but _______fewer supermarkets five years ago.

A.there are B.there is C.there was D.there were

用be 动词的适当形式填空。

1.——What day ______it yesterday? ——It______-Friday.

2.Tom and I _______late for school yesterday.

3.——Why _____the boy ;ate for school this morning? ——Because he ______ill.

4.——Where _______you after school the day before yesterday? ——I _____-at Li Ping’s home.

5.There _____lots of tall trees near our town two years ago.


1.They are in England now.(用yesterday改写句子)They ________in England yesterday.

2.Mary was at school last Sunday.(改为否定句)Mary______ _______at school last Sunday.

篇二:《My past life 用词的适当形式填空答案》

My grandpa ___1___(be) born in 1955, he was very naughty at that time. He __2___(have) lots of good friends , __3___(they) parents were very ___4____(friend), but my ___5___(grandpa) parents were very strict. They ___6____(send) him to the primary school very late, because he had to help them __7____(work) in the field.

He ____8__(leave) his village when he was only 14 years old. He ___9__(go) to different cities to work . He was often ___10___(bore) ,but he never __11___(give) up. He decided ___12___(have) a comfortable life with his family. He worked very hard ,and he __13___(get) lots of money at last, he ___14___(success) .

Now ,he often says to me “Where there is a will ,there is a way .” I believe I will be ___15_(success) if I try my best.

1. was

2. had

3. their

4. friendly

5. grandpa’s

6. sent

7. work

8. left

9. went

10. bored

11. gave

12. to have

13. got

14. succeeded

15. successful

篇三:《七年级英语外研版下册模块综合检测题(Module8 My past life)(详细解析)》



本模块以过去生活为话题,语法重点是含有动词be(was/were)的一般过去时句子的用法,并能谈论自己和他人的过去生活。在掌握语言结构的同时,能熟练介绍自己或他人过去的生活。本模块的learning to learn栏目介绍了英式英语和美式英语的一些不同,通过学习可以加深对语言知识的理解。在阅读过程中,学会应用寻找细节的阅读技艺,能将单词与释义相





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