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admin 初一作文 2020-04-23 00:11:18 作文爸爸





一个阳光明媚的下午,我们二小队参加了一场激烈的球赛。 开球,红队与白队的争霸战即将开始,我们白队的主攻前锋,我先发制人,一夺到球,马上快攻,希望给红队一个下马威,可红队也并非浪得虚名,察觉到敌情,马上回防,两名敌将挡在我面前,他们身材高大,动作相当灵活,几番突围不成,我意识到此外难以突破,随即趁右方的空隙把球传给队友。队友一接球,马上快攻,以迅雷不及掩耳之势上篮,敌方反应过来时,球已稳稳当当落在篮框里了。好!同学们在大喊着。红队越战越勇,连追两球,眼看要发动第三轮进攻了。我们知道形势不妙,马上加以拦截。但红队毕竟是老手,敏捷如兔,以巧妙的传球与精湛的运球能力连过我方二人,眼看已跑到篮底,但我方后卫也不是等闲之辈,稳稳地守着,这使红方进退两难,突然,他双手抱球,高高跳起,以神射手的三分球定了胜局。 我们输了。 赛后,双方球手们聚在一起,互相握手,气氛融洽,在场上敌对的态度已无影无踪,其乐无穷。一场激烈的球赛,更添一段真挚的友情,篮球就具有如此魔力,就是这种魔力使我深深地迷上了篮球,迷上了这种男男女女都喜爱的运动!



816-2958.His birthday is on March 12th.His favorite subjects are English and music. He thinks they are interesting. His favorite fruit is strawberries,because they are good for his health.

He has a school trip. It’s on September 16th.The basketball is on October 25th. He likes them very much. He has a brother and a sister. He often plays games with them after school.

二.假如Sonia是一个跑步明星根据她的个人档案写一篇英语短文介绍一下她。basketball. And she has a sports collection. She has eight volleyballs, five basketballs and four tennis bats. She likes bananas, carrots and hamburgers, but she doesn’t like ice-cream.



1. 不得在作文中出现学校的真实的名称和学生的真实姓名:

2. 注意时态运用,可进行适当的拓展。

Dear peter,

The English Day is on October 19th.We must talk with our classmates in English at school. Our school trip is on October 28th.I can play with my classmates. It’s really interesting .On November 1st we have an art festival. The soccer game is on November 20th,and the basketball game is on December 2nd.We also have a book sale in our school library on December 23rd. You can buy many good books Yours, Jane

四. My busy week

This week I am very busy, because I have many things to do. On Monday morning, I have English. I think it’s interesting. Then on Tuesday afternoon I have science. Next on Wednesday morning I have geography. It’s boring, but on Thursday afternoon I have music. On Friday afternoon, I have English .On

Saturday morning I go shopping with my mother. On Saturday afternoon I play football with my friends. What a busy week I have!

Welcome to Jack’s Clothes Store! We have nice clothes at a very good price. Do you like sweaters? We have green sweaters for only ¥55. Blue sweaters are on sale for only ¥45. White sweaters are only ¥50. We have trousers in black and purple for only ¥35.For girls, we have skirts in all colors for only ¥35. For boys,we have hats in black and brown for only ¥15.Come to Jack’s clothes store and see for yourself.



I have a friend. His name is Li lei. His English name is Tony. He is a student. His birthday is on December 20th. He is 12 years old. He likes listening to music and playing basketball. He has a music class on Wednesday afternoon.On Friday afternoon he plays basketball with his friends. His favorite subjects are English and history. He thinks they are interesting.



Dear Emma,

How are you? I have a good eating habit. Every day I eat fruit and vegetables. I have vegetables for lunch. I have fruit after dinner. And I have milk every morning. I don’t have coke or coffee. They are not good for me. I like hamburgers, but they’re not healthy food. So I don’t eat them. Do you think my eating habits are healthy?


要求:1. 不少于40词。2.可使用下列提示词:thanks for, strict, interesting, play games, wish, happy and healthy.

Dear Miss Lee

Thanks for teaching us English so well. You are very strict in your work.You are funny and your classes are lively and interesting. We all like you and your classes. You are very kind to us. You often tell us stories and play games with us after class. I think you are our best friend. I hope you are happy and healthy every day.

With best wishes!

Yours Helen


初一下作文u. 7-12

u. 7 描写海边情形

It’s a beautiful sunny day. Nancy and her family are all at the sea.

They’re on vacation. Look! Nancy is playing soccer with Aunt Betty.

Uncle Ed is lying on the beach. Rick is swimming in the sea. Everyone is

having a good time. They’re really very relaxed. Unit 7

My favorite season我最喜爱的季节

Different people like different seasons. I like spring best. Because the

weather is warm. Everything begins to grow. Trees turn green and

flowers come out. We can see many beautiful flowers everywhere. They

are colorful. Some are red. Some are pink. Some are orange and yellow.

And we can hear birds singing. People go out to do sports in spring. I

really like spring very much. What about you?

Unit 8

Dear Lily,

This Saturday is my birthday. I want to have a party at home on Saturday

afternoon. The party will start at 2:oo. Would you like to come? I live on

No.238 Green Street. You can take the No.126 bus and get off at the post

office. Then go straight and turn left at the second street. You can see a

supermarket on your right. My house is just behind it. I hope you will


Unit 9

There are three people in Jim’s family . Mr. Green is his father . He is

heavy and he has short straight hair. He wears glasses. He is

watching TV. His mother is Mrs. Green . She is of medium height . She

has curly hair. She is cleaning the room . Jim is very thin. He is playing

with the ball. They are all happy.

U 10

Today I go to a Noodle house with my parents. I’d like a big bowl of

noodles. What kind of noodles would you like? Oh, I like chicken and

potato noodles . I think they are delicious. My mother would like chicken

and potato noodles. She’d like beef and tomato noodles. But I think they

are awful. My father wouldn’t like anything. He doesn’t like noodles at

all. He likes rice very much.

U. 10

My name is Lily. I have a happy family. There are four people in my

family They are my father, my mother , my sister and me. We like

different kinds of foods and sports. My father likes oranges and volleyball,

but he doesn’t like bananas or ping—pong. My mother likes vegetables

and ping—pang. She doesn’t like ice cream or volleyball. My sister Lucy

likes ice cream after dinner very much. And she likes all sports. But she

doesn’t like eggs for breakfast. I like French fries a lot and I also like

running and swimming. But I don’t like vegetables. What do you like

doing and eating?

Unit 11 My last winter vacation My name is Zhao Zijing. My parents and I went

to visit Beijing during the winter vacation. It was sunny.

We visited many places of interesting, such as the

Palaces Museum, the Great Wall, Tian’an Men Square, the

Summer Palace and so on. We took many photos in

these places and meet lots of people, they were friendly.

The food was delicious and we listened to Beijing Opera

in the Summer Palace.

We had a good time in Beijing. We love Beijing

very much!

Unit 11

My Last Weekend

Last weekend. I had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I had

five classes at school. In the afternoon, I draw a picture. It was relaxing. I

like drawing very much. How about you? Then in the evening, I did my

homework. We have more and more homework, but it was easy for me.

On Sunday morning, I played computer games and went to the park. In

the afternoon, I watched TV. And I saw an interesting soap opera. On

Sunday night, I read a book about China. I like reading very much. And I

also like the book.

How was my weekend? I thought it was pretty good.{初一作文,,打球,真令人着迷}.

Unit 11 Jenny's last weekend

Jenny had a busy weekend . Last Saturday morning, she did her

homework and practiced speaking English at home . She watched TV and played tennis on Saturday afternoon. At night, she went to the movies. On Sunday morning , she cleaned her room and went to the beach. . On Sunday afternoon, she visited her friends and went shopping .She had a party last night.

Unit 12 日记 Sunday, March 7th

Today it was Sunday. I went to the beach on vacation with my parents. The weather was very nice and it was sunny. There were many people on the beach. Some swam in the water. Some played beach volleyball and others were lying on the beach. We had lunch in the restaurant there. The food there was delicious and we enjoyed it. The people there were very friendly. We all had a great fun today. We hope to go on vacation again. 练习:1. 描写 我的英语老师 My English teacher

My English teacher comes from America. Her name is Mary. She is 21 years old. She has long curly blonde hair. She looks very beautiful. She speaks English and she can also speak a little Chinese. She likes playing tennis and listening to music. And she likes American country music best. She often helps us with our English. And she also teaches us how to learn

English. She teaches us English very well. She is our good friend. We learn a lot from her. We love her very much.

2. 根据以下情况写一篇短文介绍你的这位笔友。

李华,英文名叫Tony,是第一中学一年级二班的学生。他出生于1989年8月20日。他的出生地在广东深圳。他今年16岁,爱好音乐和篮球。他最喜欢英语、爱玩电脑游戏。他经常放学后与同学打篮球。 I have a good pen friend. Let me tell you something about him. His name is Li Hua. He has an English name. It is Tony. He is a middle school student in Class Two, Grade One of No.1 Middle School. He is 13 years old now. He was born in Shenzhen, Guangdong. His birthday is on August the twentieth. He likes playing basketball and listening to music. He often plays basketball with his classmates after school. His favourite subject is English and he likes playing computer games best. I like to write to him. He is my good friend.

4. 姓名 Tom White 性别 男 年龄 12 籍贯 美国纽约 科目 英语 ﹢﹢ 数学 ﹣ 食品 冰淇淋 ﹢﹢ 汉堡包 ﹣ 颜色 红色 ﹢ 黄色 ﹣﹣ 注意:“++”表示非常喜欢,“+”表示喜欢,“- -”表示一点都不喜欢,“-”表示不喜欢。

My Pen pal

I have a pen pal. His name is Tom White. He is from New York. He is twelve years old. He likes English very much, but he doesn’t like math. He likes ice cream very much, but he doesn’t like hamburgers. His favorite


精选作文:初一了(600字)作文 梦想是黑暗中的一盏明灯,为我照亮前行的路;梦想是茫茫大海上的航标,为我远航的船导航;梦想又是我的贴身锦囊。无时不刻不给我力量。为了梦想,我害羞地迈进了中学的大门,开始了初中的学习生活。 人生中总有许许多多的坎:从小学到中学,从中学到大学,从一个孩子到成年人&&现在,我已经成功地度过从小学生到中学生的蜕变。是轻松地越过还是艰难地爬过后面一个个更为艰难的坎,取决于我现在的表现。所以,我现在一定要好好学习。我在心底对自己说。 开学没几天,就进行了数学考试。叮铃铃上课铃响了,老师抱着一堆试卷走进了教室,同学拿到试卷争先恐后地写了起来,我自然不例外。 试卷十分简单,我十几分钟便写了一大半。哈哈!看来这次我一定能考满分啦!我想象着老师夸奖我的景象,想象着同学们羡慕的神情,心里像吃了蜜一样甜。大约再写十分钟就ok了,写完再检查一会,时间还很充裕嘛!我看了看手表,沾沾自喜地想。先休息会吧,咦,外面有哥哥在打篮球耶!赶快看看。好球!什么?投进自家球门了!唉!正当我随着球员们喜怒哀乐的时候,下课铃不是时候的响了起来。啥?正当我的嘴张成o型痛苦无泪的时候,组长毫不留情地收走了我的试卷。呜呜&&这次肯定考砸了。不出一天,试卷便批改了出来,果然不出所料八十三分!! 回首过去的小学生活,在那两千一百九十个日子里,每天既有阳光雨露呵护,又有寒风大雨相伴。我想:我一定能在初中的学习生活里,把握好自己,尊敬师长,努力学习。江苏盐城亭湖区景山中学初一16班初一:张伟鹏


(一)那一次,我真正懂得了亲情 人世间有许多真挚的情谊,有亲情,友情,爱情„„我认为其中最美的是亲情,它的意义很深,让人无法摸透它。自从那件事后发生后,我觉得亲情就在我身边,而且它很美。


我很清楚地记得那是一个下着倾盆大雨的早晨,我正吃着早饭,眼睛不停地望 着门外的如烟的雨帘,心里不由地担忧起来:虽说学校离家不远,可雨下得这么大,这路还怎么走呀?父亲好像看出了我的心思,亲切地说:“今天早上不用怕,你安心吃饭,我送你上学!”听了爸爸的话,我忐忑不安的心情顿时平静下来,心想:我爸爸真好!

吃过饭后,爸爸推出自行车,找来一把伞,急促地对我说“快走,不然你就要迟到了。”我奇怪的问:“爸爸,我们家还有一把伞呢?”“已经借给邻居王奶奶了。”我们只好顶着全家唯一的伞出发了,爸爸骑着自行车,我坐在后面,并且撑着雨伞。我把雨伞举过爸爸的头顶,生怕雨水淋湿了爸爸的衣服。爸爸说:”孩子,没事,你不要把自己的衣服淋湿就行了,那样会生病的。” 在小桥上,风很大,我的伞快撑不住了,差点儿掉进河里。在这“危难”时刻,爸爸用一只脚踮着地,帮我把伞拿稳了。我建议爸爸停下来步行,因为今天的风大雨大,连走路都很困难。爸爸说:“这样会迟到影响你学习的!”我说:“爸爸,耽误一些时间不要紧,安全



着会长的所作所为,我才发现我是多么的小肚鸡肠,我的胸襟与她相比简直是与日争辉?? 泰山不让土壤,故能成其大;河海不择细流,故能成其深。那一次,我懂得了什么是真正的宽容:真正的宽容便是以宽阔的胸怀去包容每一个人、每一件事、每一丝不快。我们只要拥有一颗宽容的心,厚德载物,雅量容人,宽容处事,人生就会更精彩!











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