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admin 初一作文 2020-04-23 00:05:18 学生学习





大多数人把学习英语看作是 “为了高考”是“被迫无奈”,而没有当作是多掌握了一样人生的工具。因此,不少学生缺乏学习动力,无法将强烈的学习愿望变成强大的学习内驱力,有效地推动自己的英语学习。事实表明,目的明确的学生英语学习水平较高,而缺乏明确目的的学生,水平较低。教师应该试图提升中学生的学习动机,从而提高中学生的英语学习水平。

2. 缺乏积极的学习态度和毅力


3. 缺乏对英语的兴趣和信心


4. 缺乏最基本的学习方法




通榆蒙中 张晓宇 2016.05.20




1. 知识基础薄弱:零星知识多反复,及时巩固练习; 系统知识面向全体,零起点讲授;知识分层次,要求有梯度。

2. 学习不主动:课上小组合作,扩大参与;课下留预习、巩固作业,课前检查;假期作业及时上交、批改,严格要求。

3. 学习状态不稳定,阶段性波动:课上多关注,多提问,课后针对性单独谈话,了解情况,力所能及给予正确引导和帮助。

4. 学习不够刻苦,惰性强;信心不足,困难和压力面前易退缩:① 知识归纳详细,结构清晰,层次分明,精益求精。力求做到最易懂、最典型、最精炼,并印成规范单页纸下发,以备随时复习、查阅。用自身努力助学生事半功倍。② 重理解、轻记忆;重思维与技能养成、轻大量信息涌入式记忆;力争最大程度提高技能,促一劳永逸,减轻学习压力。③给

学生成长和进步的时间与空间, 不急于求成,让学生在轻松、愉悦的氛围里学习,不知不觉中获得知识与技能的积累。



















课题名称:Travel journal —– Journey Down the Mekong




教学对象为高一新生,进入高一还不到一个月。全班大部分学生的英语基础 知识和基本技能较弱,对英语学习没有太大的兴趣。因此,在英语课堂上学生会出现因不自信而不敢张嘴的情况。根据这一情况,我在课件中加入了漂亮的风景图片来引起学生的学习兴趣,设计了比较简单的阅读后的问题来帮学生增加学习英语的自信心。


这一课是本单元的第一篇课文,是一篇游记的第一部分,主要讲的是主人公 的梦想与计划。通过对本篇课文的学习,学生可以对湄公河有一定的了解、对旅游产生兴趣,并且学会如何制定旅游计划。根据教学班级的学情,我在课前已经领着学生识记过新单词了。在备课时,我发现课本上的warming-up 会花费较长的时间,于是我没有采用,而是自己设计了另一种导入(用图片直接导入第三段)。


Language aims:

1. To learn some useful words and expressions.

2. To learn some information about the Mekong River.

Ability aims:

1. To grasp some useful reading stills, such as scanning, skimming and summarizing.

2. To learn how to make a plan for the trip.

Emotional aims:

1. To stimulate students’ interest in travelling.

2. To stimulate students’ love for nature by getting them to know the greatness of a river.

3. To develop students’ team-work spirit.


Teaching important points

1. To learn some useful words and expressions .

2. To learn different reading skills.

3. To learn how to make a plan for the trip.

Teaching difficult points

To learn different reading skills.


Task-based method


Cooperative learning methods


Multimedia and other normal teaching tools.


Step 1. Lead-in

1. Show some beautiful pictures and have students enjoy the beautiful scenery along the Mekong River.

2. Questions: 1> Do you like the beautiful scenery?

2> Where do you think we can see the beautiful scenery?

Step 2. Fast reading

1. Ask students to read the title of the passage and read the paragraph 3 and fill in the blanks. Then, check the answers and have students enjoy the pictures again. Now, students know that if they travel along the Mekong River, they can enjoy the beautiful scenery.

2. Teacher: Mekong River is the longest river in Southeast Asia, in China , it’s ’does the Mekong River flow through?

3. Ask students to look at the map and list the countries that the Mekong River flows through.

Step 3. Careful reading

1. Ask students to read the paragraph 1-2 and answer the questions:

1> Who will travel in the text?

2> How are they getting there?{学情分析高一英语}.

3> Where are they going?

4> What did Wang Wei prepare for the trip?

5> What didn’t she prepare for the trip?

2. Check the answers.

3. According to the questions, they can draw a conclusion: If we want to have a trip, we should think about people, destination, transportation, preparation.

Step 4. Discussing and speaking

Ask students to discuss with their partners about the characteristics of Wang Wei and Wang Kun.

Wang Wei: stubborn; determined; would not change her mind; adventurous Wang Kun: careful; well-organized

According to the discussion, they can draw a conclusion: If we want to have a trip, we need the people with different characteristics.

Step 5. Summary

According to fives questions and discussion, they can summarize how to make a plan for a trip.

Step 6. Homework:

Make a plan for the trip. ( the present continuous tense)

1. Where are you going to?

2. How are you going to…?

3. When are you leaving?

4. What are you going to take with you?

5. Where are you staying?

6. How long are you staying in…?

7. When are you coming back?



但在教学的实际过程中出现了一些问题:1. 学生还不太适应全英课堂;2. 个人口语水平有限,不能很好地引导学生;3. 每一个环节的过渡不够自然;4. 精读部分练习设计的太少,学生并没有完全了解课文的内容。



高一年级下学期学情分析英语试卷(1) I.Listening:

1.What telephone number did the man want to call?

A.6668922. B.6669822. C.6668292.

2.Whose house is the biggest?

A.Tom‟s. B.Ann‟s. C.Bob‟s.

3.When had they better hand in their homework?

A.On Friday. B.On Wednesday. C.Next Monday.

4.What does the woman mean?

A.She wants the man to help her. B.She doesn‟t want to trouble the man again.

C.She will remember the man‟s help.

5.Where is the woman going?

A.To the 21st Road. B.To the New Apartments. C.To the Park Apartments.

6.What will the speakers probably do next week?{学情分析高一英语}.

A.Have a physics lesson. B.Do some homework. C.Have an exam.

7.Why does Jennie call Martin?

A.To see if he is fine. B.To invite him to her house. C.To borrow his physics book.

8.Who has given Martin some old exam papers?

A.Martin‟s brother. B.Jennie. C.Helen.

9.What did the man do yesterday evening?

A.He did his homework. B.He watched a football match. C.He took part in a match.

10.What did the woman think of the player Slade?

A.He is too old to play football. B.He was the worst player in his team.

C.He plays football well.

11.Which word can best describe the man speaker‟s feeling?

A.Worried. B.Disappointed. C.Excited.

12.Who may Peter be?

A.The man‟s friend. B.The man‟s brother. C.The man‟s son.

13.Where is Peter now?

A.In the shoe department. B.In the suit department. C.In the toy departmet.

14.What will the woman do first?

A.She‟ll go to look for Peter. B.She‟ll go to ask the salemen. C.She‟ll go to buy something

15.Who is Tim according to the man?

A.He is a farmer. B.He is a university student. C.He is a worker.

16.How long is the man‟s holiday?

A.Two months. B.Three weeks. C.Thirty days.

17.What can we learn about the woman speaker?

A.She has left high school at present. B.She studied in the University of Warwick.

C.She doesn‟t want to do a part-time job.

18.Where is the speaker when he is speaking?

A.In the exhibition hall of the Shanghai Expo. B.On the bus in the parking lot.

C.At the gate of the Shanghai Expo.

19.Who is the speaker?

A.A travel guide. B.A driver. C.A volunteer.

20.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The whole site of Expo is divided into 8 zones.

B.People in the bus are going to visit the Expo.

C.People can leave everything in the bus.{学情分析高一英语}.

II.Multiple choice:

21.While ______ English language is spoken in both Britain and America, ________ English spoken in Britain is a bit different from that in America.

A.the; the B.the; × C.×; the D.×; ×

22. Much new and high technology has been introduced from America, _______ a great increase in production of the company.

A. resulting in B. resulted in C. resulting from D. resulted from

23.The stone ________ him ________ head.

A.beat; on the B. beat; on his C.hit; on the D.hit; on his

24. —Susan has cried for a whole day. —________ made her cry?

A. Who was it that B. Who it was that C. Was it who that D. Was it that who

25. ―Did you hear the news this morning?

―Oh, yes, ________ was announced on the radio has caused great excitement among pupils.

A. that B. what C. something D. all what

26. It was with great courage ______ the boy told the truth _______ he had stolen the money.

A. which; that B. when; what C. as; that D. that; that

27. The language they created is A. that B. which C. what D. when28.When ____, the museum will be open to the public next year.

A.completed B.completing C.being completed D.to be completed

A. when B. that C. where D. before

30.Do you know anything about the difficulty he had ____him?

A.persuaded B.persuading C.to persuade D.for persuading

31. Although most of them have no doubt _____ he will pass the exam, I still wonder ______ he has really got everything ready.

A. whether; that B. whether; whether C. that; that D. that; whether

32. —What did the young man come to your company for?

—He wanted a job, ________ he has never experienced before.

A. what B. the one C. that D. one

33. There is no sense _____any further. It won‟t help now.

A. to argue B. in arguing C. about arguing D. argue

34. —I rang you at about ten, but there was no reply.

—Oh, that w



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